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Seattle Cherry Blossom Run

Sat March 22 - Sat March 29, 2025 Directions

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Bib/Packet Pick Up (Wednesday - 3/20/24 Thursday - 3/21/24, Friday - 3/22/24)

Kent Packet Pick Up - Wednesday March 20th, 2024 High Priority

You must be 14 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 19, 2025


As participants arrive we will be checking in participants with our own smartphones and handing out bibs, swag, fliers, and answering questions / giving instructions.

Come with your phone fully charged and bring your charge cord just in case. We'll provide power and some charging cords if needed.

You'll download the RaceDay CheckIn app from Apple iTunes or Play Store for android and we'll provide a password to get into the race.

More details will be provided after sign up.

That's it!

Be sure to keep a steady supply of safety pins available to place out on tables for the participants and a steady supply stocked shirts.


Day: Wednesday March 20th
Time: 12 PM to 7 PM
Location: Road Runner Sports Kent
Address: 444 Ramsay Way, Kent, WA 98032

Copy and paste directions:

Bellevue Packet Pickup - Thursday March 21st, 2024 High Priority

You must be 14 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 20, 2025


As participants arrive we will be checking in participants with a our own smartphones and handing out bibs, swag, fliers, and answering questions / giving instructions.

We'll provide power and some charging cords. But come with phone fully charged and own charge cord just in case.

You'll download the RaceDay CheckIn app from Apple iTunes or Play Store for android and we'll provide a password to get into the race.

More details will be provided after sign up.

That's it!

Be sure to keep a steady supply of safety pins available to place out on tables for the participants and a steady supply stock shirts.


Day: Thursday March 21st, 2024
Time: 12 PM to 7 PM
Location: Road Runner Sports Bellevue
Address: 12200 Northup Way, Bellevue, WA 98005

Copy and paste directions:

Seattle Packet Pick Up - Friday March 22nd, 2024 High Priority

You must be 17 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 21, 2025


As participants arrive we will be checking in participants with a our own smartphones and handing out bibs, swag, fliers, and answering questions / giving instructions.

We'll provide power and some charging cords. But come with phone fully charged and own charge cord just in case.

You'll download the RaceDay CheckIn app from Apple iTunes or Play Store for android and we'll provide a password to get into the race.

More details will be provided after sign up.

That's it!

Be sure to keep a steady supply of safety pins available to place out on tables for the participants and a steady supply stock shirts.


Date: Friday March 22, 2024
Time: 12 PM to 7 PM
Location: Road Runner Sports Seattle
Address: 7020 Woodlawn Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98115

Copy and paste directions:

Gear Check

Sunday March 24, 2024 - Half Marathon & 10K Gear Check High Priority

March 23, 2025


Early shift - Assist in checking in gear at the start line for half and full marathon runners and loading gear into a cargo truck. Drive or walk to the finish line and help hand out gear for the early finishers.


Late shift - Park and walk to finish line, assist in handing out checked in gear at the finish line.

We'll email more details and suggestions about efficient organization after sign up.

Thank you!


Starting Area: Lot E1, Seattle 98105
Finish Area: Memorial Way Northeast, UW Campus

Parking: By the Start Line:
Parking Lot E1, Seattle WA 90105, or pay to park at the Central Plaza Garage over near the Finish Line and walk over.
Walk in, bike in, or use public transportation!

Resources Needed

Captain - 1

Start Line Area

Saturday March 30 - 5k Start Line Area High Priority

March 29, 2025


You'll be assigned duties by a lead to either help set up start line signage and barricades, etc.

You'll park in the Central Plaza Garage underneath Red Square off of 15th Ave NE (directions and map to follow).

Download the PayByPhone app from Apple iTunes or Google Play store.
Or use your mobile phone internet browser and type in and search your country, continue as a guest, enter location code 123182. Then pay.
Or use street parking or take public transportation!

Then walk up to Red Square using the stairs in the parking garage. Meet at Red Square.

Duties include the ability to stand for up to 4 hours.

Help clean up / tear down.

More details will be provided after sign up.


Location: Red Square on UW Campus

Parking: Street parking (limited) or pay to park in the Central Plaza Garage, copy and paste this link for directions:

Download the PayByPhone app from Apple iTunes or Google Play store.
Or use your mobile phone internet browser and type in and search your country, continue as a guest, enter location code 123182 or 123211. Then pay.
Or use street parking or take public transportation!

Course Marshal

Saturday 3/23 5K Course Marshal High Priority

March 22, 2025


Cheer on runners and direct them around the beautiful UW Campus!

Meet us at Red Square to pick up your safety gear!

Please dress warm and in layers depending on the weather.

You'll park in the Central Plaza Garage underneath Red Square off of 15th Ave NE (directions and map to follow).

Download the PayByPhone app from Apple iTunes or Google Play store.
Or use your mobile phone internet browser and type in and search your country, continue as a guest, enter location code 123182. Then pay.

Or use street parking or take public transportation!


All over and around UW Campus:

1) 1707 NE Grant Ln, Seattle, WA 98195

2) Stevens Way & Benton Lane:

3) W Stevens Way NE & Rainier Vista NE:

4) Burke-Gilman Trail near NE Pacific Pl:

5)Burke Gilman Trail Mason Road Y Split:

6) Mason Rd NE:

7) Mason Rd NE & Jefferson Rd NE:

8) 4002 E Stevens Way NE, Seattle, WA 98195

Parking: Street parking (limited) or pay to park in the Central Plaza Garage, copy and paste this link for directions:

Download the PayByPhone app from Apple iTunes or Google Play store.
Or use your mobile phone internet browser and type in and search your country, continue as a guest, enter location code 123182 or or 123211. Then pay.
Or use street parking or take public transportation!

Sunday Half Marathon Course Marshal High Priority

You must be 17 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 23, 2025


Meet at Parking Lot E1 to pick up safety gear and then head over to your assigned location to help direct runners make turns and cross safely!

Please dress warm and in layers depending on the weather.

If you finish early, you can help at the finish line.

In some cases you must help slow down vehicles or slow down half marathon runners if needed.


Various locations on UW Campus, the Burke-Gilman Trail and more:

1) Canal Rd NE & Walla

2) Snohomish LN N & Walla Walla Rd

3) ASUW Shell House & Ship Canal Trail

4) Anderson Hall @ E Stevens Way

5) UW Campus Mason Rd E & E Stevens Way NE

6) Jefferson Rd NE

7) Mason Rd & Burke-Gilman Trail

8) Fairway Estates @ Burke-Gilman Trail

9) Inverness Dr NE @ Burke-Gilman Trail

10) Turnaround @ NE 97th St & Lakeshore Blvd

11) UW Engineering Library @ Jefferson Rd NE

3/24/24 Half Marathon Aid Station #1 / #8

Sunday March 24 - Half Marathon Aid Station #1 / #8 High Priority

March 23, 2025


You'll park in the E1 Parking lot with the participants and walk over to your aid station (about 0.2 mile)

Walking Directions from E1 to Aid Station #1:

Please dress warm and in layers depending on the weather.

Some Aid Station members will be recruited as course marshals as the area has two way traffic and on the return, the runners exit down to the street.

Duties include:

Pre-fill cups of water, set out packaged snacks.
Use white chloroplast boards to stack a second level of pre-filled cups (if needed).
Rake / Pick up cups off the ground and around the water station that runners might have dropped as they run off.
Place used cups into the provided bags/bins.
Leave the bags and crew will come and pick up to recycle at end of event.
Direct runners from going in the wrong direction on the Burke Gilman Trail.

Please cheer on runners & walkers!!

More details will be provided after sign up.


Location: Pend Oreille Rd NE & Burke-Gilman Trail

Resources Needed

Captain - 1

3/24/24 Half Marathon Aid Station #2 / #7

Sunday March 24 - Half Marathon Aid Station #2 / #7 High Priority

March 23, 2025


You'll park in the neighborhood of your aid station, and we'll have crew deliver supplies to the location morning of before you arrive.

Please dress warm and in layers depending on the weather.

Duties include:
Pre-fill as many cups of water, set out packaged snacks and mini water bottles.
Pick up cups off the ground and around the water station that runners might have dropped as they run off.
Place used cups into the provided garbage bags/bins.
Leave the bags and crew will come and pick up to recycle at end of event.

This aid station serves as an out AND back aid station so you'll have extra supplies and set up on both sides of Burke Gilman Trail.

Please cheer on runners & walkers!!

More details will be provided after sign up.


Location: Burke Gilman Trail behind Metropolitan Market Sandpoint

Resources Needed

Captain - 1

3/24/24 Half Marathon Aid Station #3 / #6

Sunday March 24 - Half Marathon Aid Station #3 / #6 High Priority

March 23, 2025


You'll go directly to the half marathon aid station. Park as close as you can, or take public transportation.

Please dress warm and in layers depending on the weather.

We'll have crew deliver supplies to the location morning of before you arrive.

Duties include: set up tables and cups, pre-fill as many cups of water to fill the table, use chloroplast sheet on top to stack another level of pre-filled cups of water. Set out snacks (if provided) for runners; hand out water and snacks as runners go by.

Using rake and shovel, rake cups off the trail from the runners and shovel them in the bin. Leave the bags and crew will come and pick up to recycle at end of event.

Please cheer on runners & walkers!!

More details will be provided after sign up.


Location: (South of) NE 65th St @ Burke-Gilman trail

3/24/24 Half Marathon Aid Station #4 /#5

Sunday March 24 - Half Marathon Aid Station #4 / #5 High Priority

March 23, 2025


You'll go directly to the half marathon aid station. Park as close as you can, or take public transportation.

Please dress warm and in layers depending on the weather.

We'll have crew deliver supplies to the location morning of before you arrive.

Duties include: set up tables and cups, pre-fill as many cups of water to fill the table, use chloroplast sheet on top to stack another level of pre-filled cups of water. Set out snacks (if provided) for runners; hand out water and snacks as runners go by.

Using rake and shovel, rake cups off the trail from the runners and shovel them in the bin. Leave the bags and crew will come and pick up to recycle at end of event.

Please cheer on runners & walkers!!

More details will be provided after sign up.


Location: Inverness Dr @ Burke-Gilman Trail

Resources Needed

Captain - 1

Finish Area

Saturday March 23 - 5k Finish Line Area High Priority

At least 15 more volunteers needed.


You'll be assigned duties by a lead to either help guide runners, hand out medals and water, help tear down finish line signage and barricades, etc.

You'll park in the Central Plaza Garage underneath Red Square off of 15th Ave NE (directions and map to follow).

Download the PayByPhone app from Apple iTunes or Google Play store.
Or use your mobile phone internet browser and type in and search your country, continue as a guest, enter location code 123182. Then pay.
Or use street parking or take public transportation!

Then walk up to Memorial Way Northeast near Parrington Hall and check in with Cherry Blossom staff to be assigned your specific finish line task

Duties include the ability to stand for up to 4 hours.

Help clean up / tear down.

More details will be provided after sign up.


Location: Meet at the Finish Line Area located at Memorial Way Northeast near Parrington Hall

Parking: Street parking (limited) or pay to park in the Central Plaza Garage, copy and paste this link for directions

Or walk in, bike in, or take public transportation!

Parking Assistant

Sunday 3/24 - Parking Assistant High Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 22, 2025


A few of us will point vehicles to the entrance of UW Parking Lot E1!
Dress warm and in layers! You get pink reflective vest, a flag and LED light up baton.


Location: UW Parking lot E1

Other Tasks

Saturday Area of Most Need Medium Priority

At least 5 more volunteers needed.


Be a rock star and have us put you wherever you're most needed! Own transportation may be required.


UW Red Square
4063 Spokane Ln
Seattle, WA 98105

Saturday 3/23 5K Finish Area / Memorial Way Drive: Set up, Medals, Water, Cheering! High Priority

March 22, 2025


You'll park in the Central Plaza Garage underneath Red Square off of 15th Ave NE (directions and map to follow).

Download the PayByPhone app from Apple iTunes or Google Play store.
Or use your mobile phone internet browser and type in and search your country, continue as a guest, enter location code 123182. Then pay.
Or use street parking or take public transportation!

Then walk up to Red Square using the stairs in the parking garage. Meet at Red Square.

Duties include the ability to stand for up to 4 hours.

Open some cases of bottled water and medals. Hang medals on the medal rack. Set the remaining, unopened cases/boxes of water or medals open cases only as need (we are probably have left over bottles and medals).

Hand out water and medals to runners/walkers as they finish.

Help serve snacks at in the Finish Area / Finish chute!


Help clean up / tear down.

More details will be provided after sign up.


UW Red Square
4063 Spokane Ln
Seattle, WA 98105

Copy and Paste directions:

Sunday Half Finish Area / Memorial Way Drive: Set Up, Medals, Water, Cheering! Medium Priority

March 23, 2025


You'll park in the Central Plaza Garage underneath Red Square off of 15th Ave NE (directions and map to follow). Then walk up to Red Square using the stairs in the parking garage. Meet at Red Square.

Duties include the ability to stand for up to 4 hours.

Open some cases of bottled water and medals. Hang medals on the medal rack. Set the remaining, unopened cases/boxes of water or medals open cases only as need (we are probably have left over bottles and medals).

Hand out water and medals to runners/walkers as they finish.

Help serve snacks at in the Finish Area / Finish chute!


Help clean up / tear down.

More details will be provided after sign up.


UW Red Square
4063 Spokane Ln
Seattle, WA 98105

Sunday Area of Most Need Medium Priority

At least 5 more volunteers needed.


Be a rock star and have us put you wherever you're most needed! Own transportation may be required.


UW Red Square
4063 Spokane Ln
Seattle, WA 98105


UW Center of Urban Horticulture
3501 NE 41st St
Seattle, WA 98105

Sunday March 24, 2024 - Half Marathon Start Line High Priority

March 23, 2025


Help at the start line for the Half - with setup, traffic direction, cheering runners on, and cleanup.

Dress warm and in layers


E1 Parking Lot

Copy and Paste direction:

Saturday March 23, 2024 - 5K Start Line Area High Priority

You must be 16 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 22, 2025


You'll be assigned duties by a lead to either help guide runners, help set up start line signage and barricades, etc.

Please dress warm and in layers depending on the weather.

You'll park in the Central Plaza Garage underneath Red Square off of 15th Ave NE (directions and map to follow).

Download the PayByPhone app from Apple iTunes or Google Play store.
Or use your mobile phone internet browser and type in and search your country, continue as a guest, enter location code 123182. Then pay.
Or use street parking or take public transportation!

Then walk up to Red Square using the stairs in the parking garage. Meet at Red Square.

Duties include the ability to stand for up to 4 hours.

Help clean up / tear down.

More details will be provided after sign up.


After street parking or Central Plaza Garage parking, walk to the west side of the Red Square courtyard.

Copy and paste directions to the meet up area:

Saturday March 30 - 5k Finish Line Area High Priority

March 29, 2025


You'll be assigned duties by a lead to either help guide runners, help tear down finish line signage and barricades, etc.

You'll park in the Central Plaza Garage underneath Red Square off of 15th Ave NE (directions and map to follow).

Download the PayByPhone app from Apple iTunes or Google Play store.
Or use your mobile phone internet browser and type in and search your country, continue as a guest, enter location code 123182. Then pay.
Or use street parking or take public transportation!

Then walk up to Memorial Way Northeast near Parrington Hall and check in with Cherry Blossom staff to be assigned your specific finish line task

Duties include the ability to stand for up to 4 hours.

Help clean up / tear down.

More details will be provided after sign up.


Meet at the Finish Line Area located at Memorial Way Northeast near Parrington Hall

Parking: Street parking (limited) or pay to park in the Central Plaza Garage, copy and paste this link for directions

Or walk in, bike in, or take public transportation!

Saturday March 30, 2024 - 5K Start Line Area High Priority

At least 10 more volunteers needed.


You'll be assigned duties by a lead to either help guide runners, help set up start line signage and barricades, etc.

You'll park in the Central Plaza Garage underneath Red Square off of 15th Ave NE (directions and map to follow).

Download the PayByPhone app from Apple iTunes or Google Play store.
Or use your mobile phone internet browser and type in and search your country, continue as a guest, enter location code 123182. Then pay.
Or use street parking or take public transportation!

Then walk up to Red Square using the stairs in the parking garage. Meet at Red Square.

Duties include the ability to stand for up to 4 hours.

Help clean up / tear down.

More details will be provided after sign up.


Location: West side of the Red Square courtyard.

Copy and paste directions to the meet up area:

Packet Pick Up Seattle UW Center for Urban Horticulture - Friday March 29, 2024 High Priority

March 28, 2025


As participants arrive we will be checking in participants with a our own smartphones and handing out bibs, swag, fliers, and answering questions / giving instructions.

We'll provide power and some charging cords. But come with phone fully charged and own charge cord just in case.

You'll download the RaceDay CheckIn app from Apple iTunes or Play Store for android and we'll provide a password to get into the race.

More details will be provided after sign up.

That's it!

Be sure to keep a steady supply of safety pins available to place out on tables for the participants and a steady supply stock shirts.


Day: Friday March 29, 2024
Time: 12 PM to 5 PM
Location: Seattle UW Center for Urban Horticulture
Address: 3501 NE 41st St, Seattle, WA 98105

Saturday 3/30 5k Course Marshal High Priority

March 29, 2025


Cheer on runners and direct them around the beautiful UW Campus!

Meet us at Red Square or as directed for your position on the course.

You'll park in the Central Plaza Garage underneath Red Square off of 15th Ave NE (directions and map to follow).

Download the PayByPhone app from Apple iTunes or Google Play store.
Or use your mobile phone internet browser and type in and search your country, continue as a guest, enter location code 123182. Then pay.

Or use street parking or take public transportation!


All over and around UW Campus:
1) 1707 NE Grant Ln, Seattle, WA 98195

2) Stevens Way & Benton Lane:,-122.305046

3) W Stevens Way NE & Rainier Vista NE:,-122.306496

4) Burke-Gilman Trail near NE Pacific Pl:,-122.30739

5)Burke Gilman Trail Mason Road Y Split:,-122.301952

6) Mason Rd NE:,-122.30258

7) Mason Rd NE & Jefferson Rd NE:,-122.304024

8) 4002 E Stevens Way NE, Seattle, WA 98195

Parking: Street parking (limited) or pay to park in the Central Plaza Garage, copy and paste this link for directions

Download the PayByPhone app from Apple iTunes or Google Play store.
Or use your mobile phone internet browser and type in and search your country, continue as a guest, enter location code 123182. Then pay.
Or use street parking or take public transportation!

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